Friday 20 December 2013

πŸ“ Vision of O Levels Results - December 2013

After receiving that vision of my Chinese O Level results, which came true despite my disbelief, my christian faith was renewed. I started to believe that God is so so so real.

So I decided to ask God for my total O Level results few weeks before. I was very afraid because I made few screws up in the written papers, which I think were quite bad. For example, for my English paper 1, I did not complete my composition in time and I literally doodled the last body paragraph and the conclusion to look as if I wrote something but my handwriting was too ugly and hard to read. I was not confident of the answers in my English paper 2. I made several mistakes in both my chemistry and physics paper, and i did not answer the question directly for social studies. This time I saw the number 9. I didn't believe it again as it might be just my imagination. It means that i would have gotten A for almost everything despite all these screw-ups which can adversely affect my grades due to the steep bell curve. However, after experiencing the previous vision I had of my Chinese results and it came true, I decided to trust in God.

On the result day, people who scored below 10 were called onto the stage to receive their results. My name wasn't called and I felt very disappointed at that point in time because I thought God's words would come true. Maybe God didn't love me that much after all. Maybe the vision I had was really my own imagination and hallucination after all. Maybe I heard wrongly from God. Maybe the first time was only just a coincidence and not a miracle from God. I started to feel really depressed and I do not know how to answer to my friends who which I told them I would be getting 9 points and I heard from God. My faith started to drop again. 

However, the speaker revealed that there are a few who weren't called up the stage because their CCA records wasn't that great. At that point in time, I got a little hopeful as I could be one of them since I always skip my CCA. I started to have this conviction that I was actually the person that they were referring to. I started to pray to God. Just then, I heard God speaking to me, "Just trust in me, you will indeed score 9 points". It was super hard to trust God the impossible at that point of time.  As I got back my results, I saw the number 9 at the very bottom. I was very shocked because I didn't think this would happened since I had a huge disbelief in my heart. 

No matter what had happened, His word came true at the very end. It might a coincidence once again after my vision of my Chinese results came true. But when more of such events start to take place, is it really a coincidence or there is something at work behind them? I learned a very important lesson. Whatever that God said, it will always come true. You just need to have enough faith during the waiting period to believe that whatever he said will come to pass. Things might happen along the way to shake your faith, but at the end of the day, God's word will never fade away. God is constant and never lie. Matthew 24:35 "Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My Word will never fade away". Indeed God's word will never fade away. 

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.