Monday 6 August 2018

⛺️ VCF FOC Camp 2018

When I first signed up for VCF (Varsity Christian Fellowship) FOC (Freshmen Orientation Camp) 2018, I thought it would be like just another NUS school camp, I was so wrong. It was a 4 days 3 night camp. At that season of my life, I was still working as a part-time temporary admin assistant at a company under a recruit agency contract. I was getting paid per hour so I had 'unlimited' leaves. When I want to apply for leave, I have to ask both my direct superior and my agent. During that period, my company was in a busy period and I was afraid that I would not be able to take my leaves successfully. However, thank God I managed to take leave in the end if not I would not be writing this blog at all.

It turned out that this camp was more like a church camp than a normal NUS orientation camp. I prefer it that way because it was a long time since I had actually attended a church camp. Also, I wanted to know and experience God more and better is one day in His courts than a thousand elsewhere. In this camp, there were people from many different denominations. The fellowship was lit as I get to have many "Heart to Heart talks" and intellectual deep theological conversations with like-minded people. By interacting with people of different mindsets and ideas, this broadens my own perspective and mindset about certain things in Christianity and life. I got to see certain things differently. Also, as I fellowship-ed with my OG (Orientation Group), I got to learn that actually there were a lot of people who share similar struggles with me and I was not alone. In addition, one of my church friend, Daniel, also coincidentally signed up this camp. Even though we were not in the same OG, we managed to hang out and fellowship with each other in the camp during various activities and this camp strengthened our friendship. Also, me and him spent like 1 hour prayer and interceding for our upcoming campus life as we prayed for different areas and aspects of our campus life.

Also, as I fellowship-ed with other Christians, I realised that there were a lot passionate Christians. Some of them went through a three month bible study course during their Holidays, some of them went for mission trips and some of them who were also cell leaders also served actively in their church in other parts of ministry area in addition to just cell ministry. I reflected and decided to rededicated my life to wanting to serve God in more areas in addition to just cell ministry whereas possible. I wanted to also bring that fire back to my church to ignite others to start loving God more and having a passionate heart in wanting to serve God actively in any small or big areas in church.

Most importantly, the main theme of the camp was "Time to Treasure". Believe it or not, Jesus is coming to Earth soon in His second Coming. Acts 17:31 For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead. However, in Matthew 24:36 No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. In the chapter Matthew 24 verse 36 onward, Jesus said that even though we might not know when is His Second Coming, we should be prepared for His Second Coming by being Holy. And how do we respond to this passage? This is actually very simple but requires dedication and discipline, just be rooted to the word! Read and study your bible regularly, do your devotions and pray daily, go to church and cell groups regularly and even fellowship is consider as part of how to be rooted to the word! This theme was very relatable to a dream I had 4 years ago. If you had read my previous posts, I dream about Jesus Christ 4 years ago and He told me that He will becoming sooner than I expected and told me to be Holy. After having that dream, I tried to prepare for His Second Coming. I admit until now, I wont say I am 100 percent confident ready for His Second Coming but I know I am trying my best to prepare for it. During this camp, as we had many discussion about this theme, am I really giving my 100 percent in preparation of His Second Coming? After that camp, I decided to renew my mindset to study and work hard for God and not just myself in my future campus and career life. Everything I do, I give in my 100 percent effort for the glory of God.

After reading this, what would you do if you know that Christ is coming back in 10 years, 5 years, 1 year or even tomorrow? Would you have live your life differently? What would you have done differently and what would you have regret not doing in your life? YOLO, you only live once.  Millennias casually use this word YOLO in their everyday life, but this word YOLO packed a powerful meaning. We only have 1 life in this world. How you would like to live it depends on you. At the end of the day, you still have to account everything to God yourself. No one can help you with it except you yourself. Do you want to live a life without much meaning, or do you want to live a life next time when you meet God face to face, God might say this to you, "Well done my child".

1 comment:

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.