Sunday 5 July 2015

JDOP 2015

During JC, I met a guy called Hong Kai during my JC orientation and he also went into the same JC class with me. We became close friends and he was also a devout Christian like me.

During Jubilee Day Of Prayer (JDOP) 2015, my cell group had extra tickets for the event. I suddenly felt the Holy Spirit asking me to ask Hong Kai out to JDOP on that day itself even though he had church that day and might busy. I don't know why but but something just made me suddenly ask him out of the blue to come for the JDOP 2015.

I don't know what suddenly came over my actions, it might be the Holy Spirit. At JDOP 2015, we sat down. During one of the intercessions, a strange lady from another church who was not suppose to sit amongst us due to the seat allocation started praying in tongues for me and my friend Hong Kai.

She started to prophesy for my friend and asked me to release the prophetic gifts unto him. After that day, Hong Kai's faith increased and I felt that it was a divine encounter from God that day. It was a supernatural encounter even though I expected it to be just a normal event that day.

God can bring the supernatural into the natural in any circumstances.

Friday 19 June 2015

😊 Grace Retreat 2015

I had attended a few church retreats in my life but the church retreat during 2015 was the most happening and impactful in my life. 

In this retreat, as I was still in the youth service, we were split into different game groups for the whole retreat. Before attending this retreat, I sprained my ankle and it was still sprained when the first day of the retreat came. 

During one of the service, my friend Daniel Ching prayed for my leg to heal. The next day, my leg was completely healed. Even during the R&R (Rest & Relax) I was still limping on one foot around the shopping centres but after that service, my feet was miraculously healed and popped back into position. 

Also, during one of the few services, I decided to step up and use my gifts to pray for others. For one guy in my group, I felt that he was indulged in a specific sin. I went over to pray from him.

For the second guy, I felt that he back-slided so I prayed for him. He told me after that that what I sensed for him was also correct. In this retreat, God's grace is plentiful, His display of His phsyical supernatural healing and His supernatural prophetic voice is real in this retreat.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.