Wednesday 25 July 2018

✝️ Encounter with God on a bus

It seemed like a normal Wednesday that day after I woke up. I thought so too but I was wrong. I dream earlier on about someone who was special to me, that I was dating her. I was unsure from God whether what I dream was from God. I am someone who thinks a lot, especially worrying about my future. I always worry a lot about my health, my studies, my career, my love life, my family's salvation, my own cell etc. During that morning, as I walked my way to the MRT station, I prayed to God, for his sovereign will to reign over in my life.

Fast forward, I boarded my company bus after reaching Jurong East MRT Station. One year ago, after my church service, there was a booth that gave out free christian books. Being the typical "kiasu" Singaporean, I decided to take quite a number of books because no one wanted it anyway and it was free. However, despite taking quite a myriad of books, I did not bother to read them at all. I decided to start reading them again and I am currently in the midst of reading a book about prayer. On that bus, I decided to read this book about prayer because I realised that there were no other other perfect and convenient timing in doing so. I wanted to read this book about prayer because I am constantly worried about the future and I wanted to learn how to pray effectively for my future.

As I was reading this chapter on how prayer brings life greatest happiness, I was also listening to music through my earpiece at the same time. I listen to all kinds of music, christian songs, secular english pop songs, chinese songs, Japanese songs, etc. My playlist was randomised and I did not pick the song I was listening to as I read the book. My phone started to play "At the cross" by Hillsong as I was reading this chapter. As I read the book, it mentioned a part in the bible where Jesus mentioned "It is finished" after He gave His life for us and died on the cross to overcome sin. John 19:30: When Jesus received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished". With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Just then, coincidentally or not, the bridge of the song also played this,"You tore the veil, you made a way, and you said that it is done". The chapter in the book and my song said the exact thing at that moment. As I continue reading and listening to the lyrics of the song, I started to feel the tangible physical touch of the Holy Spirit. The moment I heard the phrase, "It is done" while reading the book, I knew very well God was speaking to me and I started to tear up. I hold back my tears because I was in a public bus. Even if I did cried, no one would have probably notice as I sat at the back and there were very less people at the bus at that instance.

"It is done" This phrase/sentence have very powerful meanings. Firstly, in recent days because I kept wondering whether I might loose my salvation because in my life I kept sinning repeatedly and I felt that I failed God miserably. However, this powerful statement reaffirms my faith and what Christianity stands for, which is that Jesus gave His life for us at the cross and died to grant us salvation and. Only His grace will save us and not by our own works. The moment Jesus died on the cross, it was done. We do not have to do anything more to secure or receive our salvation. If we believe and and accept Christ as our Lord and Saviour and receive Him into our lives, we will not loose our salvation because Jesus already died on the cross and this settles everything.

Secondly, on an individual level, I felt that God was also speaking to my life circumstances directly. I felt that God was telling me directly that He holds my future in His hand. Before I was even born, He wrote my future. When God said it is done, it is really done and I should stop worrying about my future.

As I reflected on this incident, I really felt touch and awed that God use two simple ways to speak to me, a christian song and a christian book. I did not expect this to happen, God indeed moves in mysterious but powerful ways. I am still unsure if the dream I had that night might be from God since that morning I had a divine encounter with Him also. Still, I do not want to think so much about this now and I leave everything to God because He is my Lord and my Master and He writing my future is done already.

Jeremiah 29 11-13. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." As I called on God that morning and seek Him about my future, I indeed found Him, that is why I had this divine encounter with God.

God died on the cross 2000 years ago. All you have to do is to believe and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour and you will immediately receive salvation. If you are worrying about anything in your life right now, seek God with all your heart and pray to Him with a sincere heart and you shall find Him and as He hears your prayers.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.