Thursday 1 August 2013

πŸ“ Vision of O Level Chinese Paper Results - August 2013

Back in 2012, after having a fallout with the guy who brought me to church, I stopped going to church for at least half a year. 

I naturally backslided and stopped all church activities. My faith started to decrease as a result. Before the release of my Chinese O Level results, I was very anxious and nervous because I am receiving my first result from the O Level Exams. I didn't want to screw it up like how I did for my PSLE. I knew that if I had gotten an undesirable grade for my chinese, it would break my momentum when preparing for the rest of my papers. In addition, I would have lesser motivation and trust in God in the rest of my papers.

During that period, I made some new friends, who are now some of my closest friends. Back then, they talked to me more about God. I started to believe in God again. A day before the release of my Chinese results, I decided to kneel down to pray and worship God. I didn't have that much faith at that time honestly but still, in my heart, something was telling me to believe. God is the one who is only capable of doing miracles, so i decided to just give it a 'shot'. As I started to pray to God and kneel down, all of a sudden, I saw the two characters "A2" appear in front of my very eyes. 

I thought that I was imagining it. However, that vision continued to appear for quite a while. I tried blinking both my eyes multiple times because I feel that I might be hallucinating. However, the vision still remained there. I didn't believe that I would be getting an A2 for Chinese because I am half-Indian-half-Chinese, and I usually fail my Chinese exams. I only started studying hard for Chinese during the final few months. 

The next day, I didn't know why but I kept telling others that I will be getting A2 for my Chinese. They didn't believe it too because they know it was impossible for me to score that well for Chinese. I just have this very strong conviction in my heart that I would get A2. In the end, when I got back my results, I saw the two characters "A2". 

I was quite shocked. God's words really did came true. This was my first time seeing a vision from God and it actually came true. In the past, when I was first exposed to Pentecostal practice in churches, I find all these supernatural stuffs quite amazing and cool because all these miracles, healing and fulfilled prophecies that happened are actually like cold hard physical proof that God exists. If God is the not one who does all the miracles, who else can it be? Are there any scientific and logical explanations for every single supernatural miracles that happened? I though that only a few lucky people would be able to see a vision in their life and experience a personal prophecy being fulfilled, but I was shocked that I would be able to experience it first hand too.

After this incident, this significant event in my life became one of the turning points in my walk with God. I started to read the bible everyday again and have a deeper relationship with God. I started to trust and believe in God more. I started to share Christ more often to my friends, after experiencing goodness from God, I wanted to share this goodness with the rest of my friends. Everyone deserves this goodness. I started to be more Christ-like and "sin" lesser. I became more connected with the Holy Spirit. This event also made me discover that I actually have prophetic giftings. After this event, I started to see more visions and dreams from God and started to hear from the Holy Spirit too. I became more receptive to the spiritual realm. Joel 2 28 "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions."

There is a possibility that all this might be a coincidence. But if miracles like these are constantly happening in my life, then it is very obvious that there is someone powerful behind my life, and that is the Almighty God. The possibility that one prophecy fulfilled is actually be a coincidence might be more than 50 percent, but when multiple unexplained miracles happened, the probability that every single thing that happened is a coincidence gets extremely extremely extremely small. Some people might argue that Christianity based on a book (bible) might be fake, but how are they going to justify every single miracles, supernatural healing and fulfilled prophecies that are happening right now in the name of God? It takes more faith to believe that a God does not exist then to believe a God exist after experiencing and witnessing all these supernatural stuffs.

After reading all these, whether you are a christian or not, God is very real and He is moving supernaturally is also very real. God wants to move supernaturally in your lives. If you have not accept Jesus Christ in your lives, and you want to experience a supernatural bliss in your life, how about try seeking God for a change? To some Christians reading this, if you are going through a hard time in life and still praying desperately for a miracle, do not worry my brothers and sisters. You just have to continue in trusting in God. Everyone has a different journey in life and a different "cross" to carry in their lives. Everyone have a different destiny and a future. All these miracles happening to one person but not to other, God might have a purpose in doing so. God has a perfect but different plan for each and every of you here. 

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Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.