Friday 3 January 2014

πŸ’° My First Job Experience @ Yoshinoya - January 2014

From December 2013 to January 2014, after my O Level Exams ended, my good friend invited me over to his workplace to work. My mom usually doesn't allow me to work but for that time, she actually allowed me to work and was quite supportive. 

It was my first time working and I worked as an assistant cook. But most of the time, I performed tasks like helping out with cashier duties, serving people food, cleaning up the place and advertising by giving out flyers, all for just a mere 5 bucks per hour. Still I enjoyed the whole process overall. 

During my first day at work, I encountered a divine appointment. I didn't not know why but I decided to bring a devotion book. When I first met my supervisor, she was a Christian but she didn't have time to go church. She had little time at home because of the nature of her work. She was starting to learn the word of God slowly. I decided to gave her my devotional book and she felt very blessed because she believed that it would aid her in learning the word of God. 

It was actually my first time working at a kitchen. I learned a lot of useful kitchen knowledge like how to wash and cook rice, vegetables, meat, etc. I learned how to crack an egg and flip meat at the stove. I learned how to use a chopper and cut the meat up. At first, I was quite reluctant and was not looking forward to my taskings. However, I did not regret my decision till now because what I learned from this job was something that I could not learn easily elsewhere. It was a very unique experience which something I really did enjoyed.

Moving on, the rest of my life in this restaurant called Yoshinoya was quite enjoyable. I had a lot of fun in the kitchen and outside of it. When my friend took leave while I didn't, I felt quite lonely. Then there was this other girl who came and talked to me. She offered me lunch at first. We both didn't know each other but we chatted quite well. We hit it off but sadly I did not have the chance, or rather, the courage to ask for her number. 

Though she is two years older than me and have just finished her A levels, we still hit it off quite well. I also remembered that I spent two hour talking to her with me still clocked-in, even though I forgot about it. I hope that one day, by God's grace, we will meet each other again. 

One more incident which was interesting was that there was this idol object on a shelf. My friend and I felt that it was demonic. After touching it, my friend received some minor cuts. My friend playfully rubbed it on me. I usually clear the trash into the rubbish bin carefully. 

However, this time, even though I was as careful, I somehow cut my finger twice. When I went back home, I got a stomachache, followed by diarrhea. From that day on, I avoided that idol as it felt demonic. That thing brought negative stuffs towards us even though it looked normal.

Throughout my whole experience in Yoshinoya, I learned a lot about kitchen work and also experienced first hand that demonic idols are legit and not just jokes or something else. Even though some idols might look safe, some of them are demonic because as they say, looks are deceiving. Apart from that, there is nothing else interesting in that season of my life.

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Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.