Friday 3 May 2019

πŸŽ‰ Reflection of my year 1 AY 2018/2019 in NUS

                 Glad and yet sad that in a blink of an eye, year 1 passed. It was a meaningful AY as I had fruitful takeaways and experiences. Initially, before entering university, I was conflicted in either entering engineering or business school. I prayed to God to ask Him to show me a way. In the end, I did not did too well for my A levels, so I could only enter engineering courses. I got into common engineering in the end, as I was unsure of which engineering should I specialise into. I was thinking of going to either chemical or mechanical, but for me personally I chose to go into the mechanical pathway in the end as I realised I have more passion leaning towards the mechanical side.
                I also decided to enter the IDP (Innovation Design Programme), a special double major programme that is design-centric focused. This is because initially I wanted to enter a business related course, but I could not. I initially contemplated taking a business minor but when I chanced upon this programme, I realised that this programme/second major might be more applicable because it is specially catered towards engineering students and it equipped us with also technical skills in addition to just some entrepreneur and marketing skills. It would be also very useful in my life because I would love to be involved in start-ups or kick-start my own. It would also help me in networking too.  I loved the content being taught in my first IDP module EG2201A even though some of my friends find it to be fluffed. I also decided to join the IDP student club to serve in the business development committee.

                  I realised that after being enrolled in this programme, God was in control even evidently in my academics life. I wanted to be an inventor when I was young, a young childhood dream. However as I grow up, I have different dreams along the way. After being enrolled in this programme for quite a while, I realised God was fulfilling my childhood dream possibly through this programme.

                  This was my first AY uni year in uni. I came in with few friends and came out with much more. Initially, I took a group of my church friend who study mechanical engineering and created a whatsapp group. In the end, together with a few mutual friends who happened to be Christians too, we became close and studied together and became close. It was surprising as I did not expect God to also move that way through my social life in university.
                    Initially, I wanted to join some other CCAs in uni. However, God still led me to joining CF (christian fellowship), something which I did not plan or expected to happen. I was pretty grateful for this christian community as it is a place where I can truly call home. It is a place where I received comfort and encouragement and love when I most needed it. I really thank God that God have placed me in such a warm and loving group of people who really love God too.

Pic: Engin CF, a group of christian community that really changed my life around

                     I also participated in Innoventure and my group decided to work on a RFID scanner machine that enables tracing and tracking of medicine pills and the medical equipment too. Even though our group did not clinch any awards, it was nonetheless a good and rewarding experience.

                      The facilities and study areas in Engineering Faculty are excellent, especially the IDP studios in which now my clique always study in. Techno edge, our canteen, and MacDonald, was shut down the next semester for renovation. It was a pity as I only got to enjoy techno edge for only a semester. After techno edge went into renovation, there was temporarily takeaway food stores being set up outside the LT 6 area. Even though it was slightly more pricey as compared to canteen food prices (both techno edge and the Deck), I still find it very convenient as I could get my food in  takeaway boxes within minutes that could be conveniently brought to lecture theaters or tutorial classrooms if I do not have enough time to buy and eat food.

                       Most of the lecturers and teaching assistants are very kind and helpful and they are very willing to go an extra mile to help their students. In terms of academics, no doubt the content are more heavier and tougher than what I had learnt in junior college. However, I feel that this is favourable for me in the bell curve. In A levels, everyone has a whopping of two years to study and revise through the content. However in university, given a typical normal module half the content of a H2 subject might be covered over the span of just 4 months. Most people wont be able to master over these content in time as they confirm have other commitments like halls, RCs, CCAs, other activities and competitions and also some of them might be working part time. Thus I feel generally the bell curve was in my favour especially if the module might be slightly tougher. My overall cap after two semester was pretty decent of just 4.17. Not too high up but still I am glad especially with all the SUs in first AY.

                      In conclusion, I really enjoyed my university life and prefer it over my A levels and definitely over my army life due to the toxicity especially in NS. I really enjoyed it due to the fact that the tutorials are very short (just one hour or some even once per two weeks) as compared to junior college where the same content is covered for a few weeks and lots of hours just to cover the same content. In addition, I could wear anything I want and comfortable with, especially a simple plain T-shirt with casual shorts and slippers. My timetable was also flexible and the time I spent in uni is much lesser as compared to junior college. I could really do much more stuffs as I have more time such as giving tuition, investing in my cell group and also my CF. I hope for a better and blessed time in my next semester too.

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Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.