Tuesday 12 June 2018

πŸ“± Miraculous Return Of My Lost Phone


From 11.06.2018 to 14.06.2018, I had a glimpse of what campus life would be like, I went for NUS Engin Camp18. On the second day, we had an amazing race around the campus. That day, I wore SAF (Singapore Armed Forces) admin pants, in which my pockets were small and loose. After finishing the games at the station at the science faculty, we took the NUS Campus Bus A1 from the science faculty to the computing faculty. At the games station at the computing faculty, I realised my phone was not in my pocket which I last placed my phone inside. I got scared and decided to check my entire bag for my phone. Realising my phone was not with me, my mind started to spiral away, thinking of the dreadful outcomes if I cant find my phone back. I mentally braced myself of the worst thing that might hit me, which is not finding my phone back.

If that really happened, my remaining two to three days in the Engin Camp would suck damn bad and I would regret signing up for this camp, never ever willing to go for any other camps again. My parents would be so mad at me, of how careless I was. Cancelling my phone number  and getting a new phone would be very troublesome. All my precious photos and important friend contacts would also just be gone like that down the drain. It would be hard to start over again socially. I would be depressed for like about a month, no mood to go out with friends or continue working. At that moment, I knew that there no one which I could look up to except God. I started to pray in God and spoke in tongues softly. As I prayed in the spirit, I heard God is telling me in my heart that everything would be fine. I was unsure if I left my phone at science faculty, on the A1 bus or around computing faculty. Just then, I felt from the Holy Spirit that I just left my phone on the A1 bus.

Putting my trust in God, I told my OGL that I probably left my phone on the bus A1. It was also probably the easiest and nearest location to search first. We then took another bus A1 all the way to the terminal, hopeful that the bus stopped at the terminal and not in the midst in its second or third trip. Throughout the journey, I remained calm all the way. From my past experiences, God always delivered me through and out of the storm, I believed and have faith that this time round He will still deliver me. I just keep remembering of how in the past I been through worse things in my life, yet His grace always extend to me and He never fail me. Somehow, God's miracle would always manifest in my life through His grace and power even though I had failed Him countless time. When I reached the terminal, there was no one at the main office to help us. I just had this idea instantaneously to tiptoe and look at the back seat (where I previously sat) of every A1 bus to see if my phone was on it. However, I was not tall enough. My OGL decided to help me out with it and thank God, we found my phone at the back seat.

In conclusion, God was very faithful. I thank God for giving me peace in that situation and also delivering me miraculously out of that situation.

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Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.